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Silhouette Angus Ranch

Proven Herd Genetics

About Us!


          Once again it is bull sale time. This will be the 45th year of selling bulls. Every year seems to present its own set of challenges, in particular the drought, grasshoppers and COVID.  We would like to thank all past bull buyers for their support in these trying times.

          This year we have 50 bulls in the offering. These bulls are being fed at Midland Bull Test in Columbus, Montana. We took the calves off the 14 of September. With the price of feed, we felt that it much cheaper to take the bulls to feed then to bring the feed to the bulls.  Stevie and the crew at Midland have done a great job with the bulls. The bulls averaged 3.28lbs for the 122 days that they have been there.  The bulls have been clipped, shot and boostered for foot rot and will be fertility tested in the near future

Pulling the calves off so early, due to the persistent drought, we did some intensive culling to the herd and the cows that made the cut, got to take a trip to Pukwana, South Dakota, to spend the winter there. A batch of cows came home in February to begin calving, with the remainder coming in March. Now we are anticipating the arrival of some green grass.

          We did a few new things at the ranch this year; adding a website and videoed the bulls. The website, will have a link to our website and a link so you can view the bulls in your recliner. For the time being the bulls can be viewed at Columbus but be sure to call before you head up in case the bulls are home.

Thanks for your interest!

John & Cathy McKeever; Bill & Amy Sinks; Tyler & Bobbi Lewis; Rena McKeever & Spencer Ryan


These bulls are calve easy bulls with great soundness to cover cows. We offer volume discounts as well as free delivery. We thrive to have outstanding disposition throughout our herd. Each bull is individually priced. Please look at sale info for any information on buying bulls.


Seven Generations of Raising Cattle

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